
Meet Alex

Meet Alex, an IT professional struggling with English in his global company. Despite his technical skills, language barriers hold him back in meetings, emails, and collaborations.

Meet Alex

Alex, a talented salesperson from Romania with a B1 level English background, works for a large tech company. 

His company achieved great success in their home country and is now planning to globalize.

To make more sales and increase his commissions, he needs to improve his English skills.

Meet Julia

His HR manager, Julia, is seeking a solution since the company will cover the costs of Alex’s learning journey.

Julia conducted her research and now has three options to consider. Let's help her make a decision.

Option 1

A generic solution for language learning, such as a platform, an app, language school, or tutoring.

Option 2

A more professional solution focusing on teaching Business English.

Option 3

Generic Solution

Study topics such as “school subjects”, “ordering food”, and “holidays”.

(Time spent: 5 units)

Professional Solution

Study a topic more suitable for a professional context, such as “negotiations,” in a general business setting.

(Time spent: 5 units)

Study the “negotiations” topic in a course called English for IT: Negotiation and Problem Solving, which is the industry in which Alex’s company operates.

(Time spent: 5 units)

Generic Solution

Application of what is learned:


Professional Solution

Application of what is learned:

What has been learned can be applied, but Alex still has a lot of work to do in order to connect the dots.

Application of what is learned:

Alex didn’t need to contemplate; he just needed to take action. The very next day, Alex could sell the company’s product more effectively. With this improved efficiency, he could use the remaining time to find more prospects for the company instead of piecing things together.

Generic Solution


The company wasted time and money. However, now Alex can order food more efficiently and interact better at a restaurant.

Professional Solution


The company wasted time and money. Alex invested an unnecessary amount of time and energy into acquiring generic and relatively unrelated knowledge.


Alex’s company reduced its expenditures, and Alex spent less time learning. No energy was expended on making a connection.

Generic Solution

Return on Investment:

Alex can order food more efficiently and interact better at a restaurant.

Professional Solution

Return on Investment:

Perhaps it wasn’t a very good investment…

Return on Investment:

Alex’s company, where Alex is already a highly skilled salesperson, now boasts a salesperson fluent in their industry’s language. This led to improved sales, and everyone made more money (except for the HR manager, Julia – sorry Julia).

Languagehood helped Julia to optimize her team, enabling her company to maximize their employees' potential. Now, they can invest more in their current staff, like Alex, by offering a higher salary as a motivation, rather than paying two separate salaries.

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